All Travellers’ Roads Really Do Lead To Rome

After a relatively quiet first year in Rome, in terms of guests and visitors, this past year has been almost the exact inverse. It seems that as covid travel restrictions and more general travel-related anxieties have subsided, people have turned their sights to Italy in an unbelievable way.

Whereas we hosted a few family visitors in 2021, in 2022, there seemed to be multiple friends, pals, acquaintances in Rome at any given time. Throughout the summer, it was not unusual to see 2-3 people I knew post Rome pics on Facebook – at some points becoming almost impossible to keep up with. From July until the end of the year, we had a grand total of THREE weekends without visitors!

Hard to believe and not always easy to manage, but also a real blessing to see so many people, to share some of our favourite places, restaurants, activities, towns and meals, and always enjoy experiencing this beautiful place through the eyes of our guests.

Here’s just a few quick hi-lights to the year of Italy, friendship and the rediscovery of the joy of travel!

One of the reasons I was always interested in living overseas is to be able to share part of the experience with friends and family. In Rome, we’re lucky enough to have a guest room available and couldn’t be happier to share it as a landing spot for our loved ones near and far.

We may have to develop a slightly more judicious guest hosting strategy in 2023 but for all the joint memories made this year, we’re forever grateful!