Work Life – Amman, Jordan

As sometimes happens in life, after months of relative quiet, things can get busy in a hurry. After limited work travel for months, I suddenly squeezed in both Albania and Jordan within a few short days of eachother. I went to Amman for a short training course and met a bunch of lovely people, ate more non-Italian oriented food and took in wistfully the arid landscape.

I squeezed in some workouts and even managed to find Amman’s one record store – where eye watering prices put Italy to shame.

This visit was very much appreciated as Amman figures highly on our list of possible next postings and it was wonderful to be able to get a sense of the place and hear some insider reviews before we likely leave Italy next summer. And also, who knew, it’s just over three hours away – so many great destinations so close in this part of the world.