Our Second Italian Easter

We arrived in Rome late in the day on Good Friday, 2021, exhausted and elated. We left Canada during the third or so major wave of covid and travel was just starting to resume in modest fashion with loads of ever-changing rules. All that to say, our first few days and nights in Rome were mostly spent trying to shake off jet-lag and slowly imagining the life we would lead here.

Fast forward a year and we’re as settled as can be expected. The covid pandemic has continued to dim, albeit with flareups ongoing. For this Easter weekend, we had our own furniture, a good sense of the city and a deep desire to spend the four day weekend mostly under the radar.

We added some unofficial Italian Easter treats to the typical Polish Sunday morning Easter table then ventured into the city to enjoy an early blossoming springtime day.

We reflected on how quickly the year had zoomed by, on all the things we’ve been able to do in Italy and beyond, and how lucky we are to call Rome our temporary home.

We stopped to smell the flowers on our Easter walkabout and thanked the Heavens for all the blessings we’re enjoying in this wonderful city!