Chris White comes to town and takes the best pictures!

We’ve been amazed and pleasantly surprised at the number of guests we’ve been seeing and hosting this year in Rome. After a quiet first year, with covid still a global concern, this past year has seem travellers from near and far pass through the cobblestones streets and piazzas of Rome.

One of our recent guests was an old friend who I met in my former tour guiding days, Chris White. Chris and I first met on a tumultuous spring break tour in Quebec City in 2000, then really bonded over an epic co-tour of Washington DC in 2004, just before I moved to Korea.

We’ve kept in touch over the years as his family has grown, we’ve both moved here and there, and now as we’ve arrived to Rome. He visited after some working training in Nice and on top of being a stellar friend and guest, took some of the best candid shots of us that we’ve had taken. Usually we just rotate photo duties between ourselves but it was a real joy to get some photos of all three of us taken by a good friend!

Welcome back anytime buddy!

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