Zia Zaya è arrivato!

We’ve had some really wonderful family visits and an increasing stream of friendly visitors, but not many of our good friends from Canada have yet made the Italian leap since we’ve been here. So it was with great joy that we greeted my proper pal Zaya to spend a weekend with us between his travels from London to Brussels.

Zaya was one of the first true contacts I made when I arrived in Ottawa from Toronto in 2014. We bonded immediately after a viewing of the modern cinematic classic ‘her’ and our friendship has only developed since. So much so, he was a no brainer as a charismatic MC at our wedding.

Over years of shared passion for Toronto Raptors basketball, global affairs and 90s hip hop, our friendship has become the best kind: effortless! Aleksander took quickly to our new visitor and flexed his budding pronunciation skills to master his name.

We’re starting to joke that it seems easier to see guests in Rome than in Ottawa, even when they live a few hours away. Either way, we’re grateful to be in this wonderful place and share some of our time and experiences with old and new friends alike.

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