Daddy Daycare Roman Walkaround

Since putting Aleksander into daycare in March, we continually discover things about Italy we never knew existed, like holidays, and the fact that daycare closes down for the entire month of August!

One of these days was a random (for us) Friday in early June. Daycare was closed, mommy was at work and I was more than happy to take a day off to hang out with Aleksander, walk around the city in a way I haven’t in months, and otherwise just be a daytime daddy.

We walked, he snoozed, I snapped pictures between quick coffee and snack stops.

The unexpected day allowed me to reconnect with both the city and Aleksander in a more satisfying way than when I’m working or we’re trying to do a million things on the weekend. And also get some exercise in one of the world’s most beautiful cities!

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