Sunday in Rome’s Jewish Quarter

After a year living in a place, even a place as historic, busy and action-packed as Rome, it’s easy to sometimes feel like you’ve done and see it all. Of course, that’s not true and especially not true for us since most of our activities are during toddler friendly daytime hours. Nonetheless, it was a wonderful surprise to finally make it to the city’s Jewish quarter on an otherwise non-descript Sunday.

We had walked by the area countless times and, of course, heard about it ever since arriving, but we couldn’t ever manage to pinpoint the alleys leading to it from Piazza Venezia. We finally managed to follow the map directions and were not disappointed with this historic, vibrant and important part of the city.

The hi-light was the smashingly good meal in a city full of them. We started with Rome’s famous Carciofo alla Giudia, a deep fried and salted artichoke, washed it down with some wine and bookended that with the standard Roman pastas of carbonara and amatriciana. Aleksander snoozed while the restaurant filled up and we celebrated our new discovery and asked ourselves how we could have overlooked it for so long.

And, for once, we were too busy eating to take any pictures. So you’ll have to believe me and come taste the goodness yourself!

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