One Week with Nonno / Jedouh

Our list of family visitors to Rome grew by one with the arrival of Dalia’s father, Aleksander’s only living grandfather, for one week in mid-January.

He’s been staying with his son in Dubai and we managed to pry him over to the Mediterranean just before he returns to Canada.

We revisited many of the family-tourist trail spots that we’ve shown to Dalia’s brother and my mom and brother after that. It’s so great to be able to share this beautiful city with our families and experience the sites anew with each of their stays.

It’s always great for Aleksander to see and spend time with family and hopefully it becomes easier and easier as the pandemic eases. Jeduh (aka Arabic grandpa) Joseph enjoyed time with his grandson, with us, left us with some incredibly tasty Sudanese stews and effortlessly swagged his way through the streets of Rome. We all hope to see him again soon!

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