Beach Life – Santa Marinella

On our continuing quest to explore the easy-to-reach beaches of Rome, we ventured away from Ostia and landed on the soft, sandy crescent of Santa Marinella beach.

Just about an hour train ride from Rome Termini, Santa Marinella ranked high on many ‘best beaches’ lists that we searched and we were not disappointed. The day was blazing hot, the beach was full and lively, and water and slight breeze a real safe haven from the scorching sand.

We dined al fresco steps from where our ombrello and lettinos were. Aleksander managed to nap on both train rides and even in the shade of our seventh row beach location. And I even found time and energy to review some French grammar for an upcoming work-required exam.

It was nice to visit a place with better sand and stiller waves than Ostia. A location full of local Italians enjoying their summers. And create another lovely memory for our family in our first summer in Rome.

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